fredag 19. desember 2014

Happy Holidays!

Just a little rendered pic with structural framing and columns based on the Dynamo Text node by Ian Keough!

(I'm not even remotly touching the upload button for a pic of the Dynamo definition for this. It is one hairy definition..
To give you an idea:

torsdag 18. desember 2014

Practical Dynamo: Embedded rock bolts and coordinates to excel

Some colleagues of mine at the company I work for had a very interesting project with a treatment plant for wastewater inside a mountainhall recently. They had a quite interesting workflow using Civil 3D for the rock excavation and Revit for modelling the internal infrastructure.
However they came across a challenge when the contractor requested coordinates for all the rock bolts in the project. And not only the starting point but also the point where the bolt would enter the rock surface.
The challenge ended up out of house and was solved by a third party developer. I do not know how much time they needed and for what cost, but what I know is that if the problem would have come across now, it could have been solved using Dynamo.

"But of course you would." freely after James Bond

The following version was up and running in about three hours and should do the job quite well. It utilizes a generic face based family with an extruded solid and a length parameter. In addition to the extruded solid it is important that the family include a model line which have the same constraints as the solid. This is because we want the direction the face based family is pointing in dynamo.

I've also added the ability to extend the rock bolts to the rock surface with an embedded depth.

RMBD: (Revit Model Before Dynamo..)
First half of the script:

Second half:

RMEDAD: (Revit Model, Excel and Dynamo After Dynamo..)

And a little Screencast in poor english as usual! :)

PS! If you're in dire need of christmas spirit and you haven't heard it yet, here is some top level music for ya'll: White Christmas from the awesome Ben Goh.

Happy holidays, everybody!

fredag 5. desember 2014

Randomized trees by area in Revit

Today I'm going to show you a workflow for generating a number of randomly placed trees inside an area in Revit.

Once again I utilize the topo to surface conversions which I've shown you before.

The workflow:
1. Draw a closed area with model lines. (Must be higher than the topo)
2. Select the model lines in Dynamo
3. Select the topo in Dynamo
4. Set the number slider according to your taste for tree quantities..
5. Run!

The definition looks like this:

Inside Revit after placement:

And a little screencast video as usual: Screencast

mandag 1. desember 2014

Hardscape on Topography: The ancient Revit problem

So I'm not at all envious at the guys at AU 2014 hacking away at Dynamo. Or maybe a little.. Maybe even a little too much.. But what can a man do?
Well, he can hack away at Dynamo anyway.

This time I will give the age old problem with hardscape following topo a go.. Or is it a problem??

Just the other day I discovered Marcello Sgambelluris post about how to get a hardscape elements to follow a topo: The Revit Complex and the AU session about the same thing (google it!). 
I found it very interesting, and it's a beautiful workaround solution using dwg export and import to get a wall to follow a topo.

Quite inpired  by the post, with Dynamo being all it is and my recent post about piles in mind, I felt that it had to be some other way using Dynamo.

For this post I focused on a fenceline. 

What I ended up with was a solution where you model your fence line with model line elements, each as long as between two posts, using a two-point adaptive family as the fence family and then with some Dynamo magic (Not to be confused with the illusionist) you get a fenceline following your topo.

the family in use here is just a fence "rig" and you could always make a more detailed family, but I think it shows the trick! :)

Before, with Site plan, 3d-view and two-point fence family
The script
Codeblock version

so with the topo and model lines selected we get this:


and here is a little screencast for you all: (CAUTION! Bad english, bad mic and nasal accent.. ;) )